Partner’s Imaging Center accepts most health insurance plans.
Click here to see the current list of insurances If your insurance is not listed, please contact our Billing office at Tel: 941-216-4841 or Fax: 941-216-4845
Our billing staff are available between 8:30am and 5:30pm, Monday through Friday if you have any questions.
If you have a balance on your account and would like to pay it by credit/debit card, please click the orange link further down on this page. All leading cards are accepted.
Our billing representatives will submit your claim to your primary insurance and to your secondary insurance as a courtesy.
We will only bill insurances provided to us before or at the time of service. Many insurance companies will require prior authorization and we will be unable to retro an authorization after a service is provided so it is important that authorizations are obtained prior to the scan taking place.
Pay your Bill Online here
If you have an outstanding balance and wish to pay by a credit/debit card online, please click the orange button below and you will be directed to a secure checkout page.
Don’t have insurance?
If you require a scan and do not have insurance, Partners Imaging Centers can assist you by providing a highly discounted rate for your scan called a ‘self-pay’ rate. Please ask the center supervisor nearest to your location for assistance and for prices. Payment for self-pay scans is required at the time of service.
Need Financial Assistance?
If you are having financial difficulty resolving an existing balance and require assistance, please call our billing office. Please be assured that we will work with you in a fair way to meet your financial needs.
Auto Insurance Claims
Please ensure the following information is available for auto insurance claims:
Claim number
Date of injury
Claims mailing address
Adjuster name & telephone number
Attorney Info (if applicable)
Work comp claims:
Please ensure the following information is available for workers comp claims:
Claim number
Date of injury
Claims mailing address
Authorization for services